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Nation Park of Azagny.webp

Banco Forest National Park

A veritable lung of Abidjan, this forest area with an area of 3,400 ha was created by the colonial administration in 1924 and erected as a national park in 1952.


Many plant species were described there for the first time and they together, fairly well preserved, are now under the protection of Waters & Forests.

With its 80 km of trails, the park lends itself to long excursions to discover the fauna, flora, and the developments that have been made there. There is thus a multitude of insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including monkeys, herbivores (duikers), and... pangolins.

We offer long walks in this park. Given the distances and the humid heat that prevails there, we recommend light and suitable clothing, a good pair of shoes, and a solid aptitude for prolonged walking (the terrain is easy).


Its major challenge is to protect the water table of the continental terminal for the supply of drinking water to the city of Abidjan. Its main assets are the existence of a potential 600 ha of primary forests.


The existence of an arboretum of more than eight hundred (800) species of higher plants originating from the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America; the existence of fish ponds located in the heart of the park; the existence of a semi-natural swimming pool and a restaurant, the existence of the house of the Governor Rest which serves as an eco-museum and the presence of a family of chimpanzees.

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